Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Conducting a Lecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Conducting a Lecture - Essay Example This essay will look at the different forms of methods that are usable in training to ensure both the nursing professionals and the nursing students get all the information that the lecture on genetic disorders is intended to pass on to them (Oermann & Gaberson, 2006) Lecture Presentation Nurses who have been in practise for some times tend to be repellent to new ideas and discoveries in the field of genetic disorders, this is because most of the information that they are being presented with is contradictory to the information that they were taught when they were in school or that they have grown up knowing. This therefore, requires that the method that is to be used to teach the adult nurses be convincing enough to make them change their views relating to the specific disorder. This will require the use of real life cases and a lot of research statistics on the cases in order to convince them to change the views and information that they previously held. In the case of students who are pursuing a degree in nursing, accepting new information is easy, as they did not have any other contradicting view or information previously. Teaching them will require just the new piece of information and the outdated information may be just for history purposes to show the evolution of information on the subject of genetic disorders. ... eport to duty in their station s therefore they require that the methods of presentation be short, in which theory without practical would do perfectly. Bachelor of nursing students, in most cases do not have knowledge or prior experience in dealing with genetic disorders therefore in presenting the information to them, it will require imparting both the theory and practical skills on how to handle genetic disorder cases (Billings & Halstead, 2009). This therefore will require the students to be exposed to a health institution that deals with genetic disorder cases in order to gain practical experience on top of learning theory bit of the disorder. The differences in age between practising nurses and the students will determine the speed in which any of the two groups will grasp information on genetic disorders. Studies have shown that the young people understand faster compared to the older people and in view of this, the way the trainer is to present information to the practising n urses will be through use of methods that will simplify the information for quick understanding. Some of the methods that a trainer may use include use of both print and visual materials that include charts in order to simplify the information for them to understand much faster and with ease. In addition, PowerPoint presentation and real life cases of patients present in the sessions would also help the nurses to understand much easier. In passing the information to bachelor of nursing students whose memory retention capacity is higher to that of the practising nurses, it will be much easier for them to grasp, therefore the methods of passing the information to them should be fast. In addition, the method should ensure that information on genetic disorders that is passed to the students is

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Word Handycap Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Word Handycap - Essay Example Everyone is physically challenged - some to a small extend, some others to a larger extend. When a person is unable to do the normal duties and routines with respect to his age, sex etc he is considered to be in the awkward condition of 'handicapped". That is, he has limitation in performing an activity or function. In other words, there is mental or physical disability. One kind of disability will result in multiple disablements. Physical dependence and immobility will mean that the person is handicapped. The word is actually refers to a relation or comparison. The so called handicapped person will have no problem in working as a telephone operator. But he may find difficulty if his job involves traveling in public transport. He will experience a handicap in the second case but not in the first. It is not that no handicapped can do normal work. They may not be able to do as fast as the normal person but still they can do useful productive work. For example, they can work on the computer as efficiently or even more than a normal person. They can teach or do running commentary much better than a common person. Handicap means restriction of activity. It amounts to limitation in participation. As already said the word handicap is not an absolute concept, but a related one. It is linked to the current condition of the individual, that is to say, the reality in which he is placed. Initially the Initially the word was meant only for crippled children. Later it included adults and mentally retarded as well. The word has nothing to do with 'cap in hand'. In the past it referred to beggars. There was a time when the handicapped were looked down with hate and disgust. The current society consider the common person as able, whereas the disabled as one with shortcomings. 'Handicapped' is seen as negative offence. The term 'disabled' seemed to be better and more neutral than negative. The people with mental and physical disabilities prefer the term 'disabled' than being characterized as handicapped. Handicapped is mild in comparison with disabled which is somewhat a blunt term. There are misconceptions that disabled and handicapped are one and the same. Strictly speaking, they are not. Disability is the functional limitation due to illness or injury. The handicapped are not suitable for activities involving mobility or sports and game, but there are trades where they can even out beat the normal persons. However, those having problem in seeing, hearing and talking would do well to avoid the type of duties where these actions are important. It is heartening to note disability has been replaced by activity and handicap by participation. This is indeed a positive transformation in the outlook of the society. It must be understood that the gifts gained from Justice are far valuable than those received from Charity. Do not allow the people to pity the handicapped. Instead they must build up awareness, confidence and ability in them. They should be able to develop self control and independent living in them. In other words they must be brought on par with others of the society. That should be their objective. The word originated from a lottery game of 1600s.The players would put money in a cap, the ownership of which would be based on the result of the game. Gradually the game was called 'hand-in-cap' and finally it reduced to 'handicap.' As time passed, the word found place in the